Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Speak Easy...

So, last night was the big party Danny and I had been looking forward to.  We had so much fun.  The party was great, and everyone's costumes looked so good!  It was fun to see some people's creativity in coming up with 20's costumes.  One guy showed up in a costume based on F. Scott Fitzgerald, coming in his 1920's pajamas.  Another girl came with a tommy gun!  Everyone had a wonderful time, and we all went out for food/drinks afterwards!  Here are some pics from the fun evening!

                               Danny and I in our costumes for the evening!  Danny loved his cane!

                                        One of my favorite pics... Danny and our friend Jared!

Best overall look goes to my friend Jen!  She pulled off the entire 1920s look from head to toe!!

We even got a dance lesson in the Shag!  Jen and Chris giving a lesson!

Our host and hostess, Pastor James and his wife Kat!  Celebrating a blissful 11th Anniversary!

The boys Enoch, Danny and Jared!

I was freezing all night so I am wearing Chris' jacket!  We were hanging out in front of the bar, were I got to drink a Shirly Temple... Danny had to come over and tell me he had discovered the most amazing drink that I would really love if I wasn't pregnant...  Thanks for not rubbing it in babe! :)

I hope you enjoyed a few photos from our fun and crazy night going back in time to the Speak Easy!  Next year's theme: Rock n Roll!  And we have the fun of dressing up baby brown as well! :)

Oh, and I did get one "bump shot" so that I'd have one the last week of my first trimester.  Danny wasn't home in time, so I was using a timer and trying to get this one.  It's not the best, but you can still see baby brown!

If you look closely, you can also see the Halloween lights that Danny worked so hard to hang, falling down behind me! :)  Poor Danny....

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