Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So a lot has happened in the past couple of weeks, both baby related and not so baby related.  For Danny and I, we had our last of Brown's House of Horror, watching the original Halloween.  I think I was the only one in the room who jumped multiple times during that movie.  Sunday night, we got together with a lot of our friends to watch The Walking Dead premiere on AMC.  It was an amazing show, and hopefully we'll have a chance to watch more soon.  I was surprised at what they could get away with on television, even if they are pay channels.  The show definitely had more of the feel of a movie than a television show. It was great!

On the baby front, I really thought I was starting to feel better, but Saturday baby Brown proved me wrong.  So, I guess I'm not totally out of the morning sickness zone.  Soon I hope, but if not, I'll survive!  I had my second doctor's appointment on Friday.  I was only supposed to hear the heart beat, but BB decided to give me quite a scare.  The doctor couldn't find the heartbeat for quite awhile.  When she finally looked up at me, she must have seen a very panicked look on my face because she quickly pointed out that if I listened closely I could hear his/her little kicks going nuts in there.  So, I calmed down after that.  After searching for a good 5 minutes, she finally pulled out the ultrasound machine!  That meant I got to see my little baby again!  Last time I had an US, BB was pretty still.  I was so sad because everyone said he/she would seem like a little jumping bean in there, and I got nothing.  I was so excited this time to watch BB kick like crazy in there.  His/her whole body would shake with each kick! It was the most magical and adorable thing I've ever seen!  I have another appointment the Monday after Thanksgiving and hopefully shortly after that I'll be able to find out the sex.  At this point, I'm 15 weeks pregnant and have gained 5 lbs.  We are both healthy and growing!  Also, BB is sitting incredibly low right now, so if you follow those old wives tales, that would make the baby a boy.  We will see!

These pictures aren't really clear because the baby was so low and far back.  I love the foot in the air as he/she was in mid kick!

I feel like he/she has an alien head in this one! :)

And here is the growing belly!  I'm a whale!

I look like less of a whale when the belly is covered...

Okay, that's all for now!  More to come later!

Oh, and it looks like if we have a boy he will be the ODB... Old Dirty Brown is the name that won!  Wonderful... 

1 comment:

  1. You don't look like a whale-- YOU'RE PREGNANT!!! : )
    And the bigger that belly gets the bigger BB gets so I'm excited about a big belly : ) Love you guys! Yay!
