Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 13...

So, it is the night for me to take my next picture, and I'm just now posting last weeks pics.  Sorry about that.  Last weekend, I took my computer in to get fixed, and after I got it back, it totally slipped my mind to post again!

Danny's birthday went well I believe!  We had everyone over to watch Black Sheep, the gross out movie in the list for Brown's House of Horror.  I had ordered trophy cupcakes for everyone as a surprise to Danny, so I think the two of us had a nice sugar high from that along with the cherry pie and ice cream!  The movie was so disgusting, that I couldn't watch most of it.  It is about were-sheep that kill people.  It was pretty funny when it was gross, but my gag reflex could only take a little of the movie.

We also stood in line outside in the very cold temps for 3.5 hours to walk through a 10 minute haunted house.  I'm pretty sure poor baby Brown was pissed at me after that for freezing him out and for the horrible shake up he got from my shivers!  The next day I was very sick...

Tonight is the exciting Harleween!  This is the halloween/anniversary party thrown by our campus pastor and his wife.  Last year the theme was Venetian Carnivale and we all went in fancy ball gowns and masks.  This year, it is the Speak Easy!  Danny will look like the guy off of Mary Poppins, and I will look kind of like a flapper girl (my dress isn't super flappery, but it still works).  The directions to the location were given a little bit at a time and we were required to have a password to get in (the question: Who shot first? Answer: well, I'm not able to give that info out quite yet! But, if you know Danny's favorite movie, you'll know a famous battle in there that was changed when the new version of the film came out.  In the original, one person shot first, but in the second edition, it changed).  We have to bring a bottle of top shelf hooch as well, so most of the guests will get to drink and dance the night away... me, I only get to dance!  I'm not complaining though!! :)

I'll try to post pictures this weekend of us at the party!  Until then, this is my 12 week picture, taken last Friday.  A few more days and I'm officially out of my first trimester!  This pregnancy is going by fast already!  Oh, and I think at this point I've gained 2 lbs!

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