Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This year, we were especially excited for Halloween!  There isn't much that is more fun than dressing your already adorable baby in a cute costume to get lots of pictures! :-)  We really made sure we enjoyed this time.

We decided to go for a gender neutral costume for the first couple of years, in case we do every have a boy.  Baby costumes are expensive enough!  So, this year Emma was a dinosaur! :-)

Our first Halloween adventure of the season was the annual Harleween.  For those who don't know what this is, it is a huge party thrown by one of our pastors and his wife for their wedding anniversary.  They too, are lovers of Halloween, so every year they have a themed costume party.  The first year we went was for their 10th anniversary so they did a Venetian Carnivale theme (still probably my favorite thus far).  Last year was The Big Easy theme, complete with some swing dancing (not exactly, but close... whatever style of dancing they did in the 20s).  It too was fun to dress up for!  This year, the did a rock and roll theme.  You could come dressed as any rocker, real or fake, but there could only be one of each person.  If the person spanned the decades and had different looks, you could choose to come as different versions as the same person, but not exactly the same.  As Danny and I are both music dumb (for the most part) this wasn't an easy year for us.  Also, we were working on sleep training right around the time for Harleween, so we weren't even sure if we were going to be able to go.  So, we never put a lot of thought into our costume.  In the end, we dressed Emma up in her dino costume, and said we were the people from Denver, the Last Dinosaur.  In case you need to be reminded of what that is...

Here we are as the band members of Denver...

The resemblance is uncanny, right?!? :-)

We only stayed for about an hour at the party, but got to enjoy some time chatting with friends.  The following Monday night was trick-or-treat night (and Halloween) in the area, so we dressed up our little dino again, and took her over to Mill Creek Town Center and walked her around.  Since she's too young for candy, and we had tons of candy at our house already, we decided not to actually trick-or-treat with her.  We just walked up and down the street watching all of the other families and getting ideas for years to come.  Emma also discovered that her parents could have been a LOT meaner when it came to costume choices.  Danny and I also picked up some Starbucks drinks, which Emma tried to take from us the entire walk.  We only stayed out about 20 minutes or so, because she started to get a bit of a cough, and we wanted to bring her home and put her to bed.  Here are some pics of our short time together!

Papa showing her how to be a dino!

Isn't she just adorable! :-)

My baby girl and I (love the tongue out!)

We are a little picture happy :-)  Now I have to be a dino with her!

I realize this is a blurry picture of her face.  I left it in because she loves to eat papa's phone, which is exactly what she's going for here! :-)

My little Denver! :-)

The night ended with the bean in bed early (due to a continued cough when we got home) and Danny and I opening the door to trick-or-treaters while we fixed dinner.  This was fun at first, until a bunch of teenagers came to the door, ringing the bell 10 times before I could get to the door.  With a sleeping, sick baby at home, this was enough for us to decide it was time to turn off the light!  And, thus ended Halloween 2011 for us.  Overall, it was pretty uneventful.  I didn't even manage to get out the decorations this year.  Next year, I'm sure it will be much more exciting, and I'll be sure to actually decorate then!

Now, on to my FAVORITE holiday.... :-)

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