Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fall Festival Fun!

As I have said in recent posts, Danny and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fall season!  So, we've been really excited to share this time with Miss Emma.  We started a new family tradition this year of visiting the pumpkin patch/fall festival.  While it is still early in October, and Halloween is a few weeks away, we decided that with a rare October sunny Saturday, we should take advantage of it and get out of the house.  So, we headed down south to the Fox Hollow Farm's Fall Festival!  While Emma is a little young to really get into the fun, we still all had a great time.  Here are some pictures of what we did!

Sitting on the hay bales posing for a picture!

"That's my horse back there!  Off for a ride!!"

The bean and the papa, acting silly!

Me, looking weird for some reason, and the bean!

Giving kisses! :-)

In front of the pretty mountain!

Look at that beautiful smile!

My little pumpkin sitting on the pumpkin!

One of my favorite photos!

In this picture I am seriously just dangling her in front of this fence so Danny can get a picture of her with the chicken.  I was just praying the chicken wouldn't choose to turn around and attack! :-)

The farm had a warm fire going where you could roast marshmallows for smores (I enjoyed this part!), bouncy houses, pony rides, a petting zoo, and much more!  We will definitely be going back in the coming years, when Emma is old enough to enjoy a few of those things.  This year, we just enjoyed getting out of the house and away from the city together as a family, and watching the bean's eyes light up when she got close to the horses, chickens, etc.

Stay tuned for upcoming blogs with pictures of our little dinosaur for Halloween! :-)

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