Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weddings, Nashville Style

This past weekend, Emma and I traveled to Nashville for Wendi Anderson's wedding.  There are few people for whom I'd get on a plane with a 6 week old baby and travel to watch them get married.  Wendi is one of the few!  So, Emma and I boarded the plane on Friday and made the 4 hour flight to Nashville.  I was very surprised at how well Emma did!  The only problem we had was shortly after take off, right after I had just allowed the thought of, "take off did not seem to bother her at all" to enter my head, when she decided to spit up a TON!  Luckily for me, I just happened to have the burp cloth in the right place to catch most of it, preventing it from going on any unsuspecting travelers.  Other than that small problem, she made it there without any real fussiness or problems.

What I think neither of us were prepared for when we arrived was the extreme heat/humidity that is the midwest.  Apparently after a few years of being away from the midwest summers, I had forgotten all about what they were like.  Boy, was it a rough few days.  That heat can just zap the already limited energy right from my body!

Emma was very excited on Friday to meet "aunt" Summer and "cousin" Kyla!  We had a wonderful dinner together, and headed back to the hotel to relax and enjoy the rest of the evening.  I was a little worried about how Emma would do sleeping in a new place, and I feared she would keep Kyla up all night.  She actually slept very well in her car seat, and didn't cry once while they were sleeping.

Saturday Emma got to enjoy the day with me, doing pre-wedding day activities with the other bridesmaids and I.  We enjoyed a bridesmaids' luncheon with the ladies where she was passed around the room and oohed and ahhed over by everyone!  She even got to wear her cute summer dress!

Sadly, this dress which is 0-3 months, is already a little short for her!

After a fun luncheon with the ladies, we went to get our nails done.  Emma slept quite soundly in her seat while I got a nice pedi!  Unfortunately, right at the end the man doing Wendi's nails bumped the seat slightly, causing her to scream like a banshee!  The poor guy didn't know what to do... She calmed down quickly once she was out of her seat.  That night, she got to stay with Pawpaw and Riri alone for the first time while I went to the very swanky rehearsal dinner.  It was the first time leaving her alone with anyone other than Danny, but I was proud of myself for only checking in once! :-)

Sunday, which was wedding day, was another warm one.  We enjoyed a nice brunch with Pawpaw and Riri, before pawpaw headed home and riri and I headed to the wedding.  For the fact that it was incredibly hot that day, and the wedding was located at a place requiring us to walk about 5 minutes back and forth between where the wedding was being held and where the girls dressed at multiple times, Emma did great!  She only got fussy a few times.

Here she is in the bridal suite watching the beautiful bride get ready, and dreaming of her own wedding someday FAR in the future!

The wedding was a lot of fun to be a part of.  Wendi looked beautiful, and all 10 other bridesmaids besides me looked amazing as well.  It was so much fun to be a part of it and to spend some time with the other lovely ladies.  As for the service, Jeff Lash, the husband of Wendi's matron-of-honor did an amazing job!  It was one of the most Christ centered "sermons" I've heard at a wedding in a long time.  It was also very personal to the couple, which was awesome.  His wife Annie, and the maid-of-honor Rachel, sang a few songs throughout the ceremony, bringing many of us to tears.  I don't know that there was a dry eye in the house!  I don't know that I have ever cried that much at a wedding.  I was just so overwhelmed with happiness for Wendi finding a man as great for her as Daniel!

One very cool thing happened during the wedding.  Mom, who was in charge of Emma, said that she was getting a little fussy.  Then, the ladies starting singing Amazing Grace, and she got very happy, smiley, and talkative.  What's cool about this is that I sing this song to her every time I nurse her when we are alone.  I do this, because Danny and I have been trying to find as many ways as possible to bring the gospel into our house and to surround her with it.  We have read a chapter of the bible every night since she was born and while papa is at work, I try to talk to her about who Jesus is.  Another way I thought we could share the gospel with her was to sing hymns/praise songs to her as she nurses.  So, I don't know if she really recognized that song when she heard it or not, but I would like to think she did! :-)

This is three generations of Harvey/Brown women!  You can see she was a little unhappy at this point!

A few more pics from the weekend...

Me and the beautiful bride!

Kicking it on the dance floor!

This is her attitude pose!

Look at those chubby little cheeks! :-)

She is learning to mimic us when we make funny faces!

At the airport saying goodbye to Riri!

This is after we got home.  I literally gave her a bath and put her down for a second to do something and came back to find her out cold!  She was one tuckered out little lady!

The weekend was an overall success!  The wedding was beautiful and my little bean did an excellent job of allowing me to enjoy the festivities and enjoy them herself!  Hopefully all of our travels will go that well.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love your story about "Amazing Grace". Our second night in the hospital Ian was going absolutely nuts because he just could not latch on and was so hungry because he hadn't eaten since he was born. While the nurses were trying everything they could to help me, Cole sang "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley to Ian from 2 a.m. until 5 a.m. in an attempt to soothe him. It then just became "Ian's song". He will be 3 in August, and when he is grouchy or trying to fall asleep in the car he still asks for "Don't Worry" (that's what he calls it) and it works every time. I bet it will be the same for Emma.
