Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

House and Baby updates...

Sorry I haven't been keeping up on my pictures/posts.  It's been a pretty busy month.

For Danny and I, things have changed a ton.  We bought a house this past month!!  We don't close until January, so it isn't completely official, but it's a safe bet we will have no problems with it.  The house is in the northern part of Seattle, right at the top of the lake.  It is in a great neighborhood, and had everything we really wanted in a house.  The inspection went great, with only a few minor things that need fixed, and we're hoping to do all of those on our own.  There are a few changes we hope to make over the next year or two in order to make it into our dream home.  We will see what time and money allow! :)

This is the front of our house.  We aren't crazy about the color, but oh well.  That's the least of our concern.

Our Kitchen.  The window looks out over the back yard.

Our dining room, from the living room.  The kitchen is to the right of the light you see.  We want to rip up the carpet here, and put in a wood floor.

The bonus room downstairs.  That is a second fireplace off to the side.  That window looks out to the front yard.

This is our entry way from our living room looking down.  The bonus room is down the second part of the stairs.

Main bathroom upstairs.  Hopefully the glass doors will go away pretty quickly! :)

Master Bathroom.  We only have a shower in ours, but that's all we really need.

Those are a few of the pictures of the new house.  Once we're moved in and decorated a little bit, I'll try to post some new ones.  Everything is white at this point because it was a rental, so we'll be doing some painting right away.  The big investment we're saving for, is that we want to put in a nice theater room in the garage.  Depending on how much it costs we will try doing a little of it ourselves.  The rest will be done by a contractor.  We're hoping to make a room that seats 8-15 people, depending on how we work things.  There is a huge pole in the center of the garage, which is a load bearing pole as it's below the bedrooms.  We are hoping to find an engineer who can maybe put in 6 poles down the sides of the room and take away that one, but we don't know how much that will cost.  Danny wants the theater room within the next year, so the pole may be something we just have to live with.

We weren't able to travel home for Thanksgiving, but we had a wonderful time with a group of our friends who were also unable to be with their families.  We had tons of food and then ended up playing a rousing game of munchkin very late into the night!

Danny ran his first half-marathon yesterday.  He finished in under 2 hours and 30 minutes, and did amazing!  He was pretty sore afterwards, probably from the cold temps he wasn't used to running in.  I am so proud of him and I can't wait until we're able to run one together! :)

On the baby front, I can now feel BB kick quite regularly.  Danny is still unable to feel any movement on the outside yet, but hopefully in the next couple of weeks he'll be able to.  I have some days where I can feel him/her kick all day, and others where it's harder to feel the kicks.  Usually if I'm on my feet a lot and very active, I don't notice them.  When the doctor was listening to the heart beat yesterday at my appointment, she said the baby was being very active.  He/she has a strong heartbeat and seems to be quite healthy at this point.

I have my 20 week ultrasound on Saturday, so hopefully BB will not be shy so that we will know what we're having.  I still feel like my belly is HUGE already, and it's amazing to me that I still have months of getting bigger.  That being said, thus far I've only gained 8 lbs.  I feel pretty good about that.  Here are the past few weeks of bump pictures, since I seem to have forgotten those.

Me at 15 weeks pregnant!  

The 15 week belly... 

16 Weeks

16 week belly... It's starting to take up the entire picture.

17 Weeks

18 Weeks

I'm 19 weeks right now, and I'll take those pictures this Friday.  Hopefully I'll also have lots of fun ultrasound pics to post along with the bump pic.  Until then, for Danny's sake, think penis for us until Saturday.  He's hoping with some positive thinking, we can make sure we have a boy! ;-)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So a lot has happened in the past couple of weeks, both baby related and not so baby related.  For Danny and I, we had our last of Brown's House of Horror, watching the original Halloween.  I think I was the only one in the room who jumped multiple times during that movie.  Sunday night, we got together with a lot of our friends to watch The Walking Dead premiere on AMC.  It was an amazing show, and hopefully we'll have a chance to watch more soon.  I was surprised at what they could get away with on television, even if they are pay channels.  The show definitely had more of the feel of a movie than a television show. It was great!

On the baby front, I really thought I was starting to feel better, but Saturday baby Brown proved me wrong.  So, I guess I'm not totally out of the morning sickness zone.  Soon I hope, but if not, I'll survive!  I had my second doctor's appointment on Friday.  I was only supposed to hear the heart beat, but BB decided to give me quite a scare.  The doctor couldn't find the heartbeat for quite awhile.  When she finally looked up at me, she must have seen a very panicked look on my face because she quickly pointed out that if I listened closely I could hear his/her little kicks going nuts in there.  So, I calmed down after that.  After searching for a good 5 minutes, she finally pulled out the ultrasound machine!  That meant I got to see my little baby again!  Last time I had an US, BB was pretty still.  I was so sad because everyone said he/she would seem like a little jumping bean in there, and I got nothing.  I was so excited this time to watch BB kick like crazy in there.  His/her whole body would shake with each kick! It was the most magical and adorable thing I've ever seen!  I have another appointment the Monday after Thanksgiving and hopefully shortly after that I'll be able to find out the sex.  At this point, I'm 15 weeks pregnant and have gained 5 lbs.  We are both healthy and growing!  Also, BB is sitting incredibly low right now, so if you follow those old wives tales, that would make the baby a boy.  We will see!

These pictures aren't really clear because the baby was so low and far back.  I love the foot in the air as he/she was in mid kick!

I feel like he/she has an alien head in this one! :)

And here is the growing belly!  I'm a whale!

I look like less of a whale when the belly is covered...

Okay, that's all for now!  More to come later!

Oh, and it looks like if we have a boy he will be the ODB... Old Dirty Brown is the name that won!  Wonderful...